Sunday 23 March 2014

Comfort Food with Mr. Krabs

There's nothing better than that warm feeling you get after a delicious meal. Slightly sleepy, stomach sated, it's a feeling of safety and comfort. As I sit here writing this, tummy full of a lovely home cooked Sunday dinner, I can genuinely think of few better things in life.

Today, in our quest to explore our new hometown of Bournemouth, we decided to take advantage of some cheap tickets and check out Bournemouth Oceanarium, a small aquarium just by the pier.

Now, I love aquariums. I have since I was tiny. Indeed, one of my earliest memories is of a trip to the Sea Life centre in Brighton (I believe it was Brighton... It could in fact have been anywhere south of London) when I was chosen to ride a chariot pulled by dolphins. Pretty cool nowadays, but when you're four, it's pretty much the pinnacle of coolness. Since then, I've taken every opportunity to check out aquariums anywhere that my travels have taken me.

But with these travels has also come my second passion; the aforementioned feeling of a full tum. As such, I have tried almost every bird and beast that this planet has to offer. From turtle to sea urchin, from crocodile to whale, I can unashamedly admit that whatever a chef has had the audacity to serve, I have summoned the moxy to devour.

And so, it's with a strange feeling of guilt that I will admit that aquariums have taken on a strange new form to me, and one that is scarily similar to an all-you-can-eat buffet. As we wandered through the neon tanks today I could not help but find myself thinking how tasty that spiny lobster looked, and how much I regret not getting round to trying puffer fish.

Am I a bad person? Or is the student of Anthony Bourdain that still lives within my psyche just in need of a little more culinary adventuring? I'm not sure, but one thing I do know is that every time I watch Spongebob these days, Mr. Krabs looks all the more appetising...

Somebody get me a Krabby Patty...

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