Thursday 17 April 2014

The Bucket List Part One with Rachel Green

I've already ranted at some length about how life in your twenty-somethings is nothing like TV would have us believe, but one of the scariest parts of living in the later years of twentydom is the knowledge that the dreaded beast that is your thirtieth birthday is creeping ever more quickly around the corner.

Along with the grey hairs and aches and pains in places that were formerly unknown to even exist, the daunting prospect of turning the big three-oh announces that we can no longer kid ourselves that we are not adults, and that we really should be concerning ourselves with grown-up things like mortgages and life insurance (two things I am dreading having to sort out at some point soon).

So, like many of my comrades in the war against youth, I have decided to begin the compilation of my first Bucket List; thirty things to do before I'm thirty. A last ditch attempt to prove that I can deal with being a grown up, and to do a few of those crazy things that I wish I had conquered many years ago. So here's part one; the first ten tasks I shall be challenging myself to accomplish over the course of the next twenty months.

1. Learn Spanish
Learning a new language always crops up somewhere on people's lists, but since I already speak enough foreign languages to impress at parties, I figured learning one that I could actually use to travel to some of the places I'd genuinely like to visit might actually be a bonus. I want to go to Peru some day before I croak, and Mexico has always been on my to see list, so why not try and conquer South American Spanish? I'm already speaking it at a Dora level, so time to take it further.

2. Feed a Manatee
Manatees are my favourite animal. Always have been. I remember Chris Packham telling me when I was about seven that they would have disappeared from the face of the earth by the time I was thirty, so I should probably get over to the Everglades at some point and give one a lettuce. 

3. Publish a Book or Record an Album
I've written books, and I've recorded some very rough copies of musical albums. Some day, I'd like to see one for sale somewhere. Preferably not in a bargain bin. Any success to come from either venture would be an added bonus.

4. Quit Smoking
I've tried on many occasions, and even succeeded for a full six months at one point. Eventually I'd like to kick this self-destructive habit altogether. Don't start kids; it's really not worth it.

5. Read the Quran
Along with all ex other major religious texts. The key to understanding any culture is to understand the religion upon which it is based. As a teacher of English to international students, I'm determined to broaden my knowledge of their beliefs, and as such their views on the world.

6. Pay Off All My Debts
An utterly mundane addition to the list, but at some point in my life, I'd like to see my bank account truly in the black. It's not likely to happen anytime soon, but to actually have some real savings at some point in the next two years would be phenomenal.

7. Stay a Night In a Haunted House
Or one of those über scary hospitals from the movies... I love horror films, and a good ghost movie always gives me the willies. I'd love to challenge myself to spend a night in one of those typically creepy locations and not burst into tears at some point.

8. Cycle Somewhere
I don't know where yet, but my perpetual laziness coupled with my fear of bicycles makes this one a real toughy for me. I know I'd be truly proud of myself if I could accomplish some relatively large distance powered by my own steam.

9. Watch Every Film in the IMDB Top 100
As much of a film buff as I am, I am ashamed to admit that having just double checked the list, I have only seen 46 of the top 100 films of all time. And some of the films are missed are downright embarrassing. I've never seen Shawshank, there I said it.

10. Visit New Orleans
I love jazz, I love Cajun food, I love the voodoo mythology, and if I could travel back to any time period, it'd be 1940s N'awlins. Unfortunately, time travel isn't possible (can of worms on that one), so I'd happily settle for a trip to the modern day city during Mardi Gras. Just so long as there's gumbo all round.

Stay tuned for the next ten coming soon, along with another of our favourite TV twenty-somethings...

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